Tuesday Feb 25, 2025
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM MST
Tuesdays 9:30 am Arizona
Better Business Bureau 1010 E Missouri Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85014
Guests may attend up to two meetings before joining Network Together. Those who attend three or more meetings without a membership, as well as former members with expired memberships, must pay a $25 drop-in donation per visit. Drop-In Fee Details:
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Welcome to the Phoenix Central Networking Chapter of the iNETrepreneur Network.
The Phoenix Central Networking Chapter is the place to build alliances, connect with powerful referral partners, share a personal message to the masses, and experience a global support system.
The iNETrepreneur Network is a networking eco-system that is more than just networking. It is a heart-centered, like-minded community where Entrepreneurs, Business Owners and Influencers go to grow their Awareness, Client Base and Profitability in a Sustainable Way. The iNETrepreneur Network Community offers:
Speaking Engagements
Publishing Opportunities
Teaching and Training Sessions
Joint Venture Collaborations
Multiple Connecting Opportunities
Guests can attend up to 2 times in total before becoming a member of the iNETrepreneur Network. Guests who attend 3 or more meetings without a membership and former members who have expired memberships are required to pay a $20 drop in fee. Drop in fees are to be paid prior to attending and receipt must be presented at time of arrival.
Subscription Opportunities
Subscribe to iNETrepreneur Magazine: http://inetrepreneurmagazine.com
Subscribe to The Contemporary Woman Magazine: http://www.thecontemporarywoman.com
Watch, Listen & Subscribe to iNETrepreneur Radio: https://www.youtube.com/inetrepreneurradio
Follow Us On......
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/inetrepreneur
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/network-together-llc
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/inetrepreneur_network
Get Your Copy of The Art of Connection Book on Amazon..... mybook.to/artofconnection
Printed courtesy of www.networktogether.net – Contact the Network Together for more information.
5235 E. Southern Ave. Ste. D106-167, Mesa, AZ 85206 – (602) 228-0907 – membership@inetrepreneurnetwork.com